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Summer Solstice Healing Fire Ceremony

June 20, 2012

Tonight, I will hold a private fire ceremony for the Summer Solstice.  On Saturday, I will hold a Solstice Healing Ceremony where I will carry prayer bundles for others.  

Here is the link to join the public event and add your healing requests:  Solstice Event.

I was asked if I would share how I hold ceremonies.  

This is an overview of the sacred ceremony gifted that all may share in the healing power and teachings of the eternal flames.

The fire ceremony is an ancient healing ceremony that is among the oldest still known to man today.  All of life (including us as humans) is made up of light bound by matter energetically.  During a fire ceremony, when you put something such as wood into the fire, you are symbolically releasing matter back to its original essence which is a light.  Fire transmutes the heavy energy into a light energy releasing it to the universe.
The healing does not happen only at the time of the fire.  For a period of days after there are “sparks” that are small windows of opportunity for a person to transmute the intent of healing that transpired during the fire ceremony.  This “sparks” are really opportunities for you shift patterns and habits.  The fire ceremony is where the “sparks” are ignited.  The real healing and transformation happens during this time after.
The fire ceremony here is based upon my own personal experience and teachings.  It is vital to remember that intent is the most important aspect of any ceremony.  Your intent, your thoughts, your words, and your prayers will dictate your results.  Each fire ceremony should be personalized for your sacred Inner Temple and your sacred relevance and need.  The purpose of all Fire Ceremonies is to create that “spark”, to create the opportunity to release issues and energies in your path and to call in new energies to assist you.
To prepare for your own fire ceremony, choose a specific intention or issue that you would like to work with.  Intent is vital, so try to make this intent as clear in your mind as possible before you begin.  My own fire ceremonies are done as conscious meditation.  In this way all focus of my energies can be focused upon the intent of the ceremony.
The belief that I have is to keep things as simple as possible.  Remember this is my personal ceremony.  At this point it can be infused with your own sacred objects and beliefs as you prepare your ritual space and altar.  I place sea salt in the north, sage in the east, a candle in the south, and essential oil in the west.  I also gather a twig that will be the symbolic piece of wood to burn.  There are times when I am having a difficult time releasing something that I will write it out on a piece of paper and place the paper with the twig.  If it is a healing fire ceremony for others, prayer bundles are created to carry the intentions.


Create your sacred space and speak your invocation.  Your invocation is asking the Divine Source to assist you and protect you during your ceremony.  This can include calling in the four directions, power animals, guides, or angels.  As I speak my invocation, I light my sage and clear or smudge my own aura, place the sea salt into my fire, and then hold the symbolic twig to my heart chakra and go into meditation.
My own invocation does not include casting of circles or sacred space; you can personalize it to fit with your own belief system and traditions.  Your invocation may include the request to purify and protect your being during this sacred ceremony.
After your invocation, with your own breath, breath into the stick (or paper) the full intent of what you are releasing to the Universe.  Pour the incense oil over the salt and lay the stick over the salt.  Carefully light the fire with a candle.

Focus upon the flames as you state your intent to release the energy.  Holding your hands over the flames, pull the flames toward yourself as though you were scooping them up.  Pull them toward each of your major chakra’s allowing the flames to purify and cleanse you from the unwanted energies. 
When you are ready, offer your gratitude to the Universe, Divine, or whichever deity you are calling in through a prayer or even a song.  Close your ceremony with a benediction honoring and praising the deity and the Divine.
The flames of the fire are teachers.  Each fire that you have will change you.  Each fire will burn differently.  Each fire will offer insights to you if you allow it.  Don’t rush your fire ceremonies.  These are not ceremonies that are some dramatic shows.  A fire ceremony is a quiet time to focus your attention and energy upon your own internal transformation.  Every fire should be allowed to burn out naturally.  Gift yourself the time to have the full effects of a fire ceremony.
There are many incantations, chants, or mantra’s that can be used during a fire ceremony.  It is my experience that the most vital part of any spoken word is your intent.  If your intent is clear and focused, the healing energies of the Divine Source will come and purify you. 
Each fire ceremony that I am blessed to participate in and even the personal ceremonies that I have at my home will all vary slightly in the words spoken as I personalize each ceremony to the intent. It is vital to remember that you offer your gratitude to whatever Divine Source you call upon.   Would you wish to participate in something every time asked if the person never even acknowledged or offered gratitude for your help? 
After your fire ceremony, remain open to the “sparks” that will appear in your life.  Those moments of opportunity that offer release of the energy and the refilling of your Inner Temple chalice with new loving energy. 

May the eternal flames of love be with you.
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